The Sanctity Of Space

Garage Movies

The Sanctity Of Space



Available Now On Digital


Lured by a black and white photograph, three renowned climbers pursue the ultimate adventure and show us why humans must explore.

Brad Washburn was the greatest aerial mountain photographer of all time. Hanging out the open door of an airplane, he flew above unmapped mountain ranges – capturing iconic images with which he could make maps, pursue scientific inquiries, discover first ascents, and inspire people.

More than eighty years after Washburn first photographed Denali from the air, climbing buddies Renan Ozturk and Freddie Wilkinson look at some of Washburn’s images and have this crazy idea: rather than go up, their dream is to go sideways — across the range’s most forbidding peaks, the Mooses Tooth massif. It’s a decidedly new school way to explore the same landscape Washburn first discovered.

Filmed over a period of five years, The Sanctity Of Space brings together visual elements of the highest order – from Washburn and Adams’s stunning large format black and white photographs to state-of-the-art helicopter cinematography to space photography – with an unforgettable story spanning generations. It’s both a white-knuckle adventure tale, and a celebration of the spirit of exploration.